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Choosing the right health insurance plan depends on each individual’s unique life circumstances. To find out more about coverage options, consumers can browse the categories in this section. All individuals have unique experiences that help determine their health coverage options — whether a veteran, an immigrant, or a parent, each will be able to explore the health coverage available to make an informed decision.

What is Covered California?

Covered California is a free service that connects Californians with brand-name health insurance under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It’s the only place where you can get financial help when you buy health insurance from well-known companies. That means when you apply, you may qualify for a discount on a health plan through Covered California, or get health insurance through the state’s Medi-Cal program. Either way, you’ll have great health coverage!

What is RCBCC?

The Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce (RCBCC), was founded in 2011. In 2013, a transition into new leadership transformed the organization to a new directional focus to include health, civic and community-minded projects.

It was at this time that RCBCC was the first African American Chamber to be granted a contract with the State of California’s Covered California program! RCBCC has enrolled over 6,000 individuals, families and business into affordable healthcare plans, some for the very first time. Due to the services RCBCC provided to the community, they ranked in the top 5% in California productivity and awarded a Navigator Grant.

For information about RCBCC please visit

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2060 Chicago Ave, A13 Riverside CA, 92507